
Reorienting Yourself When You're in Preparatory Classes and Making It an Advantage to Get into a Top Business School

Albert School's students will be back in school for the first time on September 19. This is an opportunity to look at the profiles of the first business school based on data, as well as the job opportunities.

Most of the students who will be entering the school in September have just passed their baccalaureate or wish to reorient themselves after a year of HEC preparatory classes, or after a scientific preparatory class (MPSI, MPMP) or even after a first year of medicine.

Albert School profiles and similarities with students in preparatory classes

The candidates selected to join the Albert School have the following points in common with the students of the preparatory school:

  1. They are curious students motivated by a strong desire to learn with renowned teachers
  2. These are students with a strong scientific mind and a pronounced taste for mathematics: they have generally followed the Mathematics Specialty, or sometimes Complementary Math.
  3. These are good or very good students to whom the prep school was presented as the royal road to enter a very good school by their teachers
  4. As a result, they aspired to highly sought-after professions: trader in market finance, consultant, M&A analyst in corporate finance, businessman or woman, engineer, doctor.

What to do after a "failed prep school"?

This is the question that many students ask themselves when they decide to quit the preparatory class during their first year. In the HEC preparatory class, 25% of the students drop out along the way, risking losing a year of their schooling after a generally faultless academic record. The timetable as it is planned in the preparatory class does not suit them and they start to wonder if the professions to which a preparatory class leads really correspond to them.


What does Albert School mean in concrete terms?

  • It is a school created by 3 young founders with degrees from Ecole Polytechnique, HEC and Ecole Normale Supérieure who have reviewed the skills needed in both Business and Data, either to become a Manager in a large group or a Start-up or to set up their own company, in a context where Data is presented as the black gold of the 21st century

  • It's a launch supported by leading entrepreneurs looking for good profiles to overcome the shortage of data-driven talent, since data is the common denominator of these large groups and unicorns and their founders: Xavier Niel (Free), Bernard Arnault (LVMH), Pierre-Edouard Stérin (Otium), Maximilian Bittner (Vestiaire Collective), Jonathan Cherki (Contentsquare), Philippe de Chanville (ManoMano), Florian Fournier (PayFit), Jacques-Antoine Granjon (Veepee), Michael Philippe and Robin Sabban (Jellysmack), Alexandre Yazdi (Voodoo).

  • These courses are taught by professors from the best institutions (ENA, Sciences Po, Ecole Polytechnique, agrégation etc.) but connected with the business world, which is the biggest playground for innovation in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data.
  • The Bachelor Business & Data lasts 3 years, then as in a Grande Ecole, students have the possibility of entering a Master's degree within the school or elsewhere in order to obtain a Bac +5.
  • The subjects taught in Bachelor are: math, data, finance, economics, marketing and, as in a business or science prep class, English, geopolitics, philosophy... (>>> link to Bachelor program)
  • The programs and timetables are designed to allow students to follow a complete training while being immersed in the concrete challenges of companies with the famous Business Deep Dives, the School's pedagogical signature. In small groups, they study concrete cases from the problems of large groups (LVMH, Carrefour, BCG Gamma) and start-ups (We Maintain, A driver) and even public organizations such as the DGSE.... They benefit from an adapted pedagogy in order to optimize their chances of success in this marathon of nearly 3 weeks each time while progressing in their training and their knowledge (hard skills) but also their behaviour (soft skills) because they are in contact with professionals in addition to their professors;
  • 30 hours of classes per week punctuated by lectures, tutorials, kholles, business deep dives, group work where students work in teams in a collaborative manner
  • Major partnerships with companies that are leaders in their sectors and that guarantee you opportunities
  • An exceptional campus in the heart of Paris, completely renovated

What are the opportunities offered by the school?

The hybrid Business and Data skills of Albert School graduates meet a strong demand from companies and promote rapid career development by preparing them for ultra-specialized data professions such as data analysts, data scientists, data strategists, etc., but also for experts in marketing, finance, and supply with data-centric tools and approaches.

How are the candidates selected?

Albert School selection process

Like other schools of excellence, Albert School has chosen not to go through Parcoursup and proposes that you apply directly to the school.

We wish above all to privilege the human relationship: that passes by being able to exchange together to answer all your interrogations during a 1st telephone exchange and to be able to meet you during an interview to know your motivations.

To eliminate as much bias as possible, the Albert School entrance exam is a three-step process and is completely free and open to all through distance learning.

  1. The first event is a short 2-minute online game that tests very short-term memory.
  2. The second test lasts 60 minutes. It is designed to test your skills in logic and mathematics based on the speciality mathematics program of the general bac.
  3. The last step is a 30-minute interview with the jury to get to know each other, to evaluate your ability to develop a logical reasoning to solve a complex open-ended question, and to allow you to explain in English your motivations for joining Albert School.

Practical Information September Admissions 

  • Intended audience: Baccalaureate graduates, ideally with a specialization in math, students in their first year of higher education.
  • Program start date: September 19, 2022
  • Admission procedure: Memory test (2 minutes) > Logic and Mathematics test (60 minutes) > Motivation interview (30 minutes with the founders of the School)
  • Number of places: Albert School reserves a few places for students wishing to reorient themselves after a few weeks of preparatory classes and who have the necessary prerequisites in mathematics. Answer within 72 hours.
  • Applications on the website: https: //
  • Information on the school's website: https: //
  • Contact: Admissions Department, 01 76 39 12 67.

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Engaged Students

Hear from our students about their amazing journeys and achievements

At Albert School, the student council fosters community and learning through events. By bringing students together, we enhance campus life and create connections, contributing to develop new soft skills.


Bachelor in Business & Data - President of the student body Paris

What I like best about Albert School is how the professors foster our ambition and encourage us to have an entrepreneurial mindset!


Bachelor Business & Data


Albert School has really helped me to develop, professionally, academically and even outside the classroom!


Bachelor Business & Data


Accredited Qualifications