How do I know if a diploma is recognized by the State?


In the vast landscape of higher education, it's crucial to choose a state-recognized diploma to guarantee the validity and value of your educational pathway. With so many options available, it's essential to know how to verify the recognition of a diploma. Among the most sought-after certifications are those registered with the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP).

I. What is RNCP certification?

RNCP certification is official recognition of the value and quality of a diploma by the French government. RNCP-certified diplomas are recognized on the job market and greatly facilitate the employability of graduates. This certification attests that the diploma meets the criteria and skills required on the job market.

II. What are the criteria for RNCP certification?

RNCP certification is awarded to diplomas that meet rigorous criteria laid down by the French government. These criteria include :

  • The school must offer a program that enables students to acquire the skills needed to practice a specific trade or hold a professional position.
  • The institution must put in place systems to assess students' learning throughout their training.
  • The establishment must maintain close relations with the professional world to ensure the relevance of its training programs and promote the professional integration of its students.
  • The institution must draw up certification standards that describe the skills and knowledge expected of students at the end of their training, in line with the requirements of the job market.

III. How can I check whether a diploma is RNCP-certified?

To check that the certification issued is recognized by the State, simply search on the France Compétences website for the certification title, the certifying body or the certification code. By consulting the description sheet, you can check whether the training course is still valid, which organizations are authorized to prepare it, the skills targeted and, for the RNCP, the level of qualification and the breakdown of skill blocks.

IV. Albert School, a school offering state-recognized diplomas

Albert School is a higher education establishment specializing in business and data, training hybrid profiles to become the leaders of tomorrow's economy. Albert School offers state-recognized diplomas, with RNCP level 6 titles for bachelors and level 7 for masters of science.

The school's programs are designed to meet the needs of today's job market, with an emphasis on the skills employers are looking for.

What's more, Albert School lecturers are experts in their field, bringing practical experience and professional expertise to their courses.

On the professional front, the school collaborates with leading companies such as LVMH, SNCF and Carrefour, offering students internship and work-study opportunities, as well as the chance to take part in concrete projects, particularly in the form of business deep dives.

To find out more about Albert School, click here.

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