[Business x Data = success]

About us

St. Albert School, the first business school anchored in data ◆◆

ALBERT SCHOOL is the first Business School that gives full importance to data.

Offrant un savant équilibre du meilleur de l'enseignement des grandes écoles de commerce et d'ingénieur, elle réinvente la préparation de ses étudiants au monde de l'entreprise.

L’École garantit à ses étudiants de nombreux débouchés, à commencer par des opportunités dans ses entreprises partenaires renommées (LVMH, Carrefour, BCG Gamma...).

En plein coeur de Paris, Marseille et Lyon, les campus d'ALBERT SCHOOL offrent également tous les avantages d'une vie étudiante rythmée.





Business X Data = Success

MATHS -> Deepen the fundamentals
DATA -> From concept to tool
BUSINESS -> Economics, Finance, Marketing, Business
HUMAN SCIENCES -> Environment, Philosophy, Geopolitics, English

I discover pedagogy

Learning by doing

Albert School's signature pedagogy, the Business Deep Dives are in-depth analyses of the model and challenges of partner companies.
Lasting 3 weeks, they aim to develop a deep understanding of the issues at stake in the life of companies and the strategic levers.
They cover several subjects at the same time (marketing, data, finance, economics, business).

Understanding Business Deep Dives

Excellence as a must

On the programme: a high-performance learning programme that trains for tomorrow's professions.
Our renowned lecturers and professors from prestigious schools cultivate in our students the requirement and the desire to surpass themselves. It is always through concrete cases that they have the opportunity to apply the theory to the various challenges that are thrown at them.
The Scientific Council guarantees academic excellence and ensures the coherence of the programme.

I meet the team

Co-creating with the business world

Xavier Niel, Bernard Arnault, Pierre-Édouard Stérin... big names from the world of business are committed to the Albert School.
Between the partnerships with best-in-class companies in their sectors, the many high-level lecturers and teachers and the availability of this network of exceptional partners, Albert School is a real springboard to the business world.

I discover the partners

100% data-driven

At ALBERT SCHOOL, data becomes a tool for supporting and developing the skills of our students.
Our student-centred approach allows us to identify the student's strengths and areas for improvement.
At the same time, the teaching is designed to enable the student to understand, exploit and enhance the value of data for business performance.

Why data?

Happy students, successful leaders.

The Albert School concept is also a school dedicated to the development of its students.
Thanks to a personalized follow-up of at least 2 hours per week and to student associations with varied activities, each student becomes an actor of his schooling, but also of his personal and professional success.

I explore student life

Nos doubles diplômes Masters of science albert school - mines paris psl [bac +5]

À l'issue du Bachelor, les étudiants d'Albert School ont acquis les compétences pour leur permettre d'intégrer un Master of Science de leur choix.

Albert School et Mines Paris PSL s'associent pour proposer les Masters of Science suivants : Data for Business, Data for Marketing, Data for Finance et Data for Sustainability

Our opportunities and expertise

Xavier Niel | Founder Iliad

"While French Tech is experiencing a meteoric acceleration, we now have a critical training issue to accompany this dynamic.
Our start-ups need professionals who speak the language of data; our unicorns are recruiting hundreds of them; our largest companies are imitating them. The launch of ALBERT fills me with enthusiasm. It is a great lever for our youth and the whole country.


Albert School's strategy is to train students for the most innovative and promising professions on the market. By developing hybrid Business and Data skills, students are positioned towards a strong demand from companies and a rapid career evolution.

Albert School's degrees provide the skills needed by companies to operate, manage and develop data-driven solutions.

In addition to the fundamental blocks of mathematics and humanities, students work at a pace marked by three-week "Business DeepDives", organised in partnership with leading companies:


ALBERT SCHOOL, co-created with Tech entrepreneurs, was born to develop the skills sought by companies. ◆◆

Combining the best of the teaching of the major business schools with that of the major engineering schools, Albert School innovates in the preparation of its students for the business world to make a difference.

To keep its promise, the School relies on 50 partner companies to deploy a new teaching method that is both demanding and stimulating, focused on the student and rooted in data.

Why award an RNCP title rather than a Bachelor or Master degree?

The RNCP 6 and 7 titles are recognized diplomas of Bac+3 and Bac+5 level. The Ministry of Labor is responsible for these degrees.

The Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree are under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

The Commission d'évaluation des formations et diplômes de gestion (CEFDG) is in charge of evaluating the training of private higher education institutions in order to authorize them to deliver the grade de licence or the grade de master.

For both the Bachelor's and Master's degrees, one of the most important criteria is:

"The school must have 50% of PhDs on its permanent teaching staff. [CEFDG evaluation reference]

One of the two pillars of Albert School is to be as close as possible to the business world. Thus, our professors (except in mathematics, an associate professor) are senior executives and experts involved in the business world. From marketing director to investment banker to entrepreneur: they can teach our students about the operational reality of the company.

An RNCP title allows its holder to prove the achievement of skills, abilities and knowledge.

Albert School certifications ◆◆

Diplôme conjoint Bachelor Albert School - Mines Paris PSL
Diplôme conjoint MSc Albert School - Mines Paris PSL

Albert School est un Etablissement Privé d’Enseignement Supérieur. Les formations dispensées délivrent des certifications et également des crédits ECTS visés à l’échelle de l’Union Européenne. Les titres préparés ne s’obtiennent que par la validation de la totalité des blocs de compétences.

Des diplômes reconnus

Students are prepared for RNCP level 6 (Bachelor) and 7 (Msc) qualifications. These RNCP titles are regulated by France Compétences, an organization that depends on the Ministry of Labor. Albert School delivers a diploma that provides ECTS credits, approved by the European Union.

Titre "Chargé de Gestion et Management” – Titre certifié de Niveau 6, codes NSF 310 et 310p, enregistré au RNCP le 26/06/2020, délivré par Formatives. Détails des blocs de compétences sur RNCP34734 - Chargé de gestion et management (

Titre "Chef de projet en intelligence artificielle” – Titre certifié de Niveau 7, codes NSF 326t et 326p, enregistré au RNCP le 26/01/2022, délivré par Ascencia. RNCP36129 - Chef de projet en intelligence artificielle (

What is the difference between an RNCP title and a Bachelor or Master degree?

Read more →

The team

Meet the Albert School team ◆◆

Grégoire Genest, General Manager


Mathieu Schimpl, Director of Operations

Alexandre Tremblay, Directeur Marseille


Lucie-Anna Oddon, Head of Executive
Education & Partnerships


Edouard Neuville, Head of Academics

Benjamin Apra, Professor of Mathematics

Hanna Benkhouja, Head of Admissions

Arthur Walus , Directeur Développement MSc

Mégane McCort, Head of Digital Marketing

Léo Cherprenet, Content Manager


Romane Robion, Content Manager

Marie Legoff, Product Owner

Maelle Laurent, Promotion et Communication

Antoine Battard, Operation Team

Maxim Bonvoisin, Admission Team

Ambre Alme de Flers, Partnership Team

Our news

Find out all the news about ALBERT SCHOOL ◆◆

Le FIgaro

Une alliance inédite entre l’une des plus vieilles écoles du pays, et l’une des plus récentes. La prestigieuse école des Mines, qui fête cette année ses 240 ans, ainsi que l’Albert School, école de commerce fondée il y a tout juste deux ans, vont faire cause commune pour former des talents dans l’intelligence artificielle. Elles proposeront dès l’année prochaine, pour les élèves inscrits à l’Albert School, des formations en double diplôme en IA/Data Business aussi bien en Bachelor (bac +3) qu’en niveau Master (bac +5). Une façon de marier l’excellence de la formation française à une culture de business school à l’anglo-saxonne, plaident les deux organisations.


Albert School au premier rang des écoles dans le classement HappyAtSchool. ChooseMyCompany a récemment publié les résultats d'une enquête réalisée auprès de 95 000 étudiants dans 200 institutions et 500 entreprises en France. L'étude se concentrait sur la satisfaction et le bien-être des étudiants, des stagiaires et des apprentis au sein de leurs établissements respectifs. Les conclusions de l'enquête offrent un aperçu des attentes de la génération Z, tant en milieu scolaire que professionnel. Albert School est numéro 1 du classement des écoles spécialisées. Mines Paris PSL est elle numéro 1 du classement des écoles d'ingénieurs.

La Provence

Albert School announces the opening of a campus in Marseille.

Let's meet ◆◆

Do you want to know more about ALBERT SCHOOL? The team is available to answer all your questions.